
Muffin Serving Size

Posted on Jun 26, 2014. 0 comments

Many of you have emailed or called us regarding our serving size and why it only represents 1/2 a muffin verses 1 whole muffin. 

Flax4Life would love to have our muffins represent 1 whole muffin as a serving size, however the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) does not allow us to do so. The FDA states that muffins are typically light and fluffy and due to the density of our muffins, we can only have them represent 1/2 the muffin unless we chose to make the muffins 1/2 the size.

We believe our customers like the size of our muffins and can consume 1 whole muffin as a serving size. This is why our label on the front of the package states what a whole muffin contains in regards to omega-3's, fiber, and lignans.  

We do not do this to confuse or mislead you, we simply follow the regulations of the FDA and state in the nutritional label that a serving size is only 1/2 of a muffin and the front of the package represents one whole muffin as that is what most of our customers consume. 

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